Health Education
The Perry County Health Department offers educational programs to groups, organizations and schools.
Program topics include:
CPR/First Aid Classes (American Heart Association)
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) - an intensive 20-hour training program designed to prepare a community for a major disaster
Freedom From Smoking - tobacco cessation course
Chronic Disease Self Management
Diabetes Self Management
Walk With Ease
Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure
STD/HIV Education
Food Handlers Course (2009 Food Code) -
Child Passenger Safety
Special requests for presentations are considered and welcomed. For more information on the presentations, call the Health Department at (573) 547-6564.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program/CDSMP
Living a Healthy Life
A Chronic Disease Self-Management Program for heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and many others.
Living a Healthy Life is a six week workshop for adults living with a chronic condition and their family members. Participants will receive a book, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions and relaxation CD.
Learn how to:
-Identify the latest pain management approaches
-Manage fatigue and stress more effectively
-Find solutions to problems caused by your condition
-Discuss the role of exercise and nutrition in chronic disease management
-Communicate with family and friends
-Form a partnership with your health-care team
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you have an interest in participating in this workshop. 573.547.6564
We also offer a Diabetes Self-Management Program that provides similar information as the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. In this program you will learn to understand and manage your diabetes.

Child Care
The Perry County Health Department (PCHD) is contracted with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) to inspect Child Care Facilities. For more information, log on to MO DHSS here. Inspections are conducted at each site to assure that safe sanitation measures are being implemented.
Facilities inspected by the PCHD include, Family Home Child Care, Group Child Care Facilities (total capacity limit 20) and Child Care Centers (capacity greater than 20). A list of Perry County Child Care facilities can be obtained by calling the PCHD at 573-547-6564 or logging onto the MDHSS Web at Show Me Child Care In Missouri
Child care may be provided in a family child care home, a group home, a child care center, or a licensed-exempt facility (nursery school or a facility run by a religious organization). Licenses are issued to family child care homes, group homes and child care centers based on compliance with state regulations. Nursery schools and child care programs operated by religious organizations (called license-exempt facilities) are not required to be licensed. Child care is regulated through various aspects such as staffing and education, the ratio of children to adults and the ages of the children. Sanitation rules apply as well as childhood injury prevention and fire safety. Background screenings are required in addition to staff training and education, environmental health issues, physical plant requirements, space requirements and equipment requirements, all designed to make the child care setting a safe place.
A Child Care Health Consultation Program is available here at the Perry County Health Department.
What services are offered?
- Consultation at child care homes, group homes, or centers regarding child health and safety concerns
- Training for child care providers to improve their knowledge of healthy and safe practices, (Training clock hours are awarded to child care staff.)
- Education and consultation for family members of children enrolled in a child care facility, and
- Health Promotion presentations for children in child care settings
Topics may include:
- Communicable Disease
- Immunization
- Sanitation
- Children with Special Needs
- Dental Health
- Handwashing
- Emergency Preparedness
- First Aid/CPR
- Nutrition
- Injury Prevention and Safety
- Head Lice
- and many others
Redefined Meaning of "Term Pregnancy"
Why the new change in the definition of what is considered a "Full Term" pregnancy? This change has been the result of research over the past several years that show that every week of the pregnancy matters for the health of the baby. The last weeks of pregnancy lets the baby's brain and lungs to fully mature.
You may not be able to choose when you have your baby, particularly if there is a problem with the health of the mother or baby; but if you have a choice to schedule your baby's birth, wait until at least 39 weeks.
The following are the four new definitions of "term" deliveries:
- Early Term - 37 weeks to 38 weeks and 6 days
- Full Term - 39 weeks to 40 weeks and 6 days
- Late Term - 41 weeks to 41 weeks and 6 days
- Post Term - 42 weeks and beyond.
Follow the link to the American Academy of Pediatrics website for more information on delivery.
Breastfeeding Support Program
The Perry County Health Department now offers a Certified Lactation Counselor to assist women with establishing a successful breastfeeding outcome.
Contact Information:
Danielle Verseman, RN, BSN., Certified Lactation Counselor
573-547-6564 or
CPR/First Aid
All CPR/First Aid classes given by the Perry County Health Department are accredited by the American Heart Association. CPR/First Aid classes are set up by appointment only. Classes will be given in groups, not on an individual basis. Therefore, a single individual will be placed on a waiting list until there are an adequate number interested to hold the class. Businesses with groups of people needing to take the classes can all be set up together.
Perry County Health Department is following the American Heart Association guidelines for upgrading the equipment used and has recently purchased new manequins for this training- it is equipped with sensors that will notify the participant if they are applying adequate pressure for compressions as well as appropriate breaths for a more thorough training. We have included below our prices for the various classes.
Types of Heartsaver CPR Classes:
CPR only - Adult/Child and/or Infant
First Aid & CPR - Adult, Child and/or Infant
Pediatric First Aid & CPR (Child & Infant)
Charges depend on the class requested:
CPR/First Aid $55.00 (book $3.00)
First Aid only $40.00
CPR only $40.00
New Grandparents/New Parents Class $25.00
Daycare Class $20.00
Businesses that are able to fill a class may be eligible for a discount.
Upon completion of the class, the participant will receive American Heart Association Certification.
For more information or to enroll for a class, call the Health Department at (573) 547-6564.